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30+ Error 404 page designs

advertisement A creative person is one who can make a client stick to his/her service despite the fact the service is not provided in your particular arena. Error 404 the error page is displayed each time someone asks for a page that’s simply not available on your site. To make a visitor stick with you…

How to promote your website

Proficiency in marketing is one of the most important skills that an individual should inherit .Precise promotion, is that art of marketing that will allow your webpage to become profitable in no time. In order to enhance into promotion and target the niche market, as a webpage owner you need the nitty-gritty of webpage promotion….

20 Photoshop photo effect tutorials

Effective attributes in an image greatly enhance the viewer’s perception, making it an invaluable part of photography. Photoshop is one powerful medium that adds beauty to pictures through its various effects, transforming ordinary images into stunning works of art. For amateur photographers, these effects can be a boon, elevating their photos to a professional level….

Introduction to PHP – Part7

Array: Array is a systematic collection of data of similar data types that can be accessed by numeric index. Array is one of the most important and oldest data structures that are used to implement other data structures like strings, maps, vector etc. An array in PHP is in fact an ordered map type that…

34 cheat sheets for web designers and developers

Posted In: Freebies, Guide, By , 64 Comments

A cheat sheet is a printable guide of a particular programming language, software or framework. A web designer spends most of his design time to move around different softwares environment and it becomes really hard to memorize the shortcuts and hot keys for each environment. Hence, cheat sheets provide great help for them. In this…

Introduction to PHP – Part6

Strings: A string is an array of characters. This tutorial demonstrates the use of string to manipulate text. A string can be represented in one of the following four ways; single quoted, double quoted, heredoc syntax and nowdoc syntax. Before describing each string in detail, it would be appropriate to discuss about escape sequence. Escape…

30 best photoshop text effect tutorials

Photoshop is a graphic editing software and has been described as “an industry standard for graphics professional”. Photoshop provides functionality for designers to convert their concept into a self explained graphic. Especially in Typography, there is no limitation of creativity in terms of presentation, instruction and final results.

50 logo design inspiration

A logo is a uniquely set and arranged typeface that form a trademark or commercial brand. It is a graphical element that gives immediate recognition of an organization. The pattern of a logo depends on the creativity of designer. One Logo of an organization is different from other similar business in shape, color of images,…

9 Tutorials to convert psd to html

This article list out 9 awesome tutorials which helps you to build a website, from designing a layout in photoshop to write your own HTML and CSS for a website. These collections are one of the most viewed tutorials, if you devote few hours and follow it till the end of each tutorial, surely you…

Introduction to PHP – Part 5

Loops A loop is a programming construct that facilitates programmer to execute some code number of times or a specified condition is true. For instance, we need to read a file stored in computer and print it in screen. Suppose the function available to read a file reads one line at a time and the…