How to get into business of part time freelancing

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When you are looking for a job in web design it can be hard. So you will probably want to first start getting jobs as a freelancer working online. Here are some tips for breaking in as a part-time freelancer.






1. Referral from client

Referral from client
If you are already working outside of your home you will want to keep your job until you are consistently making money from freelancing. After awhile you will begin to get a few regular customers who want your services on more than one website. They will refer you to other people they know as well. Then you will begin to see consistent money coming in.

2. Build your own portfolio website

Build your own portfolio website
You will more than likely want to keep some samples of the work you do to show potential future clients. You can compose the work in a portfolio on your own website. If at first you can’t seem to get clients you should work on your own projects and build your portfolio. Then when people see what you’ve done they will want you to do work for them.

3. Stay focused

Stay focused
The main reason it is good to keep your full time job until you’re making the money you desire is because you don’t want to just focus on making money. Yes this is important but if you are just focused on making money you probably won’t do as good a job as you would if the money wasn’t an issue. It is easier to stay focused on what you are doing when money isn’t the number one concern.

4. Stop taking jobs and concentrate on what you got

Work on a schedule and do one project at a time. Don’t take on too many clients at one time. You don’t want to be burnt out. Most of the money that you make when starting should be re-invested in making your own projects and expanding your reach to people. Keep up with your freelance income because you will need to make sure you put some to the side for taxes.

If this is something you are passionate about you should begin research on job boards as soon as possible. These are just a few tips for breaking in as a part-time freelancer doing web design.

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About the Author:

Web designer/developer holding Masters degree in IT, currently living in Australia. Passionate about Wordpress, PHP, Fireworks and Jquery.