Elegant and creative Social media links in websites
The craze of social media is known to all. Incorporating the social media into a web design is to cater to the viewers of social media and prove your existence.
This is not as simple as it sounds to grab viewers and get their attention requires good strategy and vision. For this, you need to creatively position the icon, consider its color, approach, style, and size, everything that accounts. You need to keep in mind that you want to get the attention of your viewers to the social side of your website exclusive of off-putting from what’s important, such as the content.
To ease you with the integration we have some ideas of how you might integrate social media links in your next venture, so get inspired and make use of the integration.
1. Photopod iPhone Application
2. What’s up cupcake
3. Daniel Marques
4. Alexandru Cosmin
5. BB com bio
6. Giovanni Rana
7. Healthy Harvest Hydroponics
8. Edge point church
9. Icon Toucan
10. Ectomachine
11. Tapbots
13. Sezione Creativa
14. Fresh lime soda
15. Behind the websites
16. Aran Down
17. Carl Rosekilly
18. Behind My Scenes
19. Ecentre
20. enStyled