50 Blue color websites for inspiration
The color blue has long been a popular color for designers, with its various emotional implications and visual friendship with a vast array of other colors. Take some inspiration from this aesthetically inspiring collection in which designers have manipulated this one color to suit their many intentions. Approaches range from frozen formal to chilled and relaxed with designers using this color on websites for corporate use, material sales and designer folios. It is easy to stereotype blue to define sadness or depressions and difficult to break the cliche link it shares with water but once designers surpass these mediocre exceptions they allow the colors true brilliance to resonate.
Below are 50 blue websites for your inspiration, picked up from the Internet categorized into serious, bold and fun. Check them all out and get inspired.
1. BizBreak
1. Cokelight- Worldflavours
3. Sourcebits
4. Getballpark
5. Goplanapp
6. Guifx
7. Barack Obama
8. Blueraydesignbuild
9. Mootygraphicdesign
10. Minlomedia
11. Buginteractive
12. Alexandratong
13. Getmefast
14. Indiqo
15. Pojeta
16. Wpglamour
17. Serj
18. Trentcruising
19. Agenciap4
20. PumaTalk
21. Redriever
22. Visitbritainrocks
23. Artisschool
24. Dolphinsafari
25. Monpermisbateau
26. Thegreatbeardedreef
27. Stroybass
28. Legacylocker
29. Luxuscreations
30. Designdisease
31. Twitter
32. Ormanclark
33. Australia2018-2022
34. Bluedotsdesign
35. Vimeo
36. Answerjam
37. Ekochgren
38. Medianotions
39. Koormann
40. Hotelparadiso
41. Winslowrubin
42. Echodio
43. Wapple
44. Misticastudio
45. Pixel-house
46. Comconcept
47. Jackrums
48. Seocontest2008
49. Dgerelo
50. Adventure Drop
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