35 Facebook Timeline Cover – Creative and Funny
Timeline is general way of displaying things you have wrote, shared and collected from the first day you joined Facebook. Since Timeline is introduced by Facebook millions of people are using it. It introduces new features like show music what you are listening to, share how many kilometers you have run today and so on.You can signed up for timeline by visiting Facebook’s Timeline page.
Most astonishing feature of Timeline is Timeline Cover. You have seen lots of people playing around with their facebook profile image and most recent photo they uploaded or being tagged. This Timeline Cover is whole new level to play with. In this showcase we have collected 35 fabulous and creative timeline covers from different facebook users with creative mind. Try it yourself and may be you would be listed on our next awesome collection of Timeline Cover.
1. Umair Latif
2. Mohammad L. Azzam
3. Manoj Varghese Mathew
4. Ekkapong Techawongthaworn
5. Jack Shepard
6. Mathew Barker
7. Lanfranco Nantele
8. Sun Adeler miltersen
9. Victor Zapanta
10. Lawson Hembree V
11. Ekkapong Techawongthaworn
12. Rodney Hess
13. Matthew Inman
14. Jeremy Bronson
15. Sven De Bruyne
16. Adam Barak
17. Mike Fitzpatrick
18. Antonio Fadda
19. Rayson Esquejo
20. Fabio Maravilla
21. Oliver Elsner
22. Paul Lau
23. Annalisa Modotto
24. Jessica Barnard
25. Nagaraj Vijayarangan
26. Delphin Hauchard
27. Murat Cizar
28. Iva Marino
29. Eduardo Calvo
30. Ekkapong Techawongthaworn
31. Tom Lambie
32. Oliver Alexander
33. Maurizio Mazzanti
34. Herb Cloutier
35. Diana Jeffrey