15 jQuery slideshow/gallery plugins
To choose best jQuery slideshow or gallery plugins can be difficult. We have worked out top 13 plugins to make your life easier.
Below are the most aesthetic, innovative and creative jQuery plugins.
1. Nivo slider
Nivo slider
2. Coin slider
Coin slider
3. jbgallery 2.0
jbgallery 2.0
4. jQuery.popeye 2.0
jQuery.popeye 2.0
5. jqFancyTransitions
6. A Zoomable jQuery Image Gallery Called jPhotoGrid
A Zoomable jQuery Image Gallery Called jPhotoGrid
7. AnythingSlider jQuery Plugin
AnythingSlider jQuery Plugin
8. Creating a Slick Auto-Playing Featured Content Slider
Creating a Slick Auto-Playing Featured Content Slider
9. GalleryView
10. Easy Slider
Easy Slider
11. Galleria
12. Imageflow
13. jFlow
14. Supersized
15. Gallerific
16. S3 Slider
S3 Slider
17. Slider gallery
Slider gallery
18. Creating an Image Slider
Creating an Image Slider
19. Create a Beautiful jQuery Slider Tutorial
Create a Beautiful jQuery Slider Tutorial
20. Sliding Boxes and Captions with jQuery Tutorial
Sliding Boxes and Captions with jQuery Tutorial
21. jQuery Cycle
jQuery Cycle
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