11 best CSS and HTML frameworks

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Introduction to the attributes associated with frameworks

Frameworks as we know are of great use, as they definitely help to save a lot of time, where otherwise writing each and small part of code used to takes up an ample amount of time. For any framework to be of high quality, it needs to have certain characteristics which determine its performance. It has been seen that they need to be usable (easy to understand and use), universal, should do what it’s meant to (useful) and simple (unobtrusive).

Useful CSS and HTML frameworks available

Below discussed are some of the most useful frameworks which are easily available and downloadable for designer use.

1. Blueprint CSS framework

Blueprint CSS framework

Its main aim just like other frameworks is to reduce your development time drastically, where it provides great features. It offers a proper platform for your projects, as they have an easy to use grid, helpful plugins, good typography, stylesheet, besides also providing great form styles for good UI and other useful tools.

2. 960 Grid system

960 Grid system<

This aims to appropriately create a path for the workflow of the development process on a width of 960 pixels over the generally used dimensions. It has been mainly introduced in order to help with quick and rapid prototyping, but also appears to accurately work when incorporated into an production environment. There are two variants in this, the 12 column grid and 16 column grid.

3. Golden grid system

Golden grid system

This appears to be a web grid system, where it is a CSS tool for those web sites which are grid based. It provides a 970 pixels main width, along with a 6 column grid and a 12 column grid. Some of its other benefits include the fact that it is extremely lightweight (compressed to 1kb), along with also being very easy to use.

4. 52 Framework

52 Framework

This framework impressively appears to make use of the HTML 5 and the benefits which it exhibits, where this is essential taking into consideration seeing the increasing support for the HTML 5 platform every day. This also utilizes the CSS3, which saves a lot of time in slicing layouts and designing with many amazing useful features.

5. Baseline Framework

Baseline Framework

This framework has been built by keeping in mind the standards of typography, where it effectively aids in coming up websites with good designs and typography. It was released as a quick way to come up with the prototype at the start, but went on to be a complete typographic framework in no time for the web, where it makes use of the “real” baseline grid as its foundation.

How the discussed frameworks can be leveraged upon appropriately

The above discussed frameworks are just few of them which are available easily online, but however there are many more which exist and also appear to be extremely beneficial in the design process for the designers. These seem to aid the designers in coming up with great appealing and attractive designs, thus it is only advisable to hire an experienced designer from a web design India Company to help with your design requirements effectively to take your online firm to great heights.

Some of other frameworks are listed below:



7. Fluid 960 Grid System

Fluid 960 Grid System

8. Elasticss


9. 1kbgrid


10. Easy framework

Easy framework

11. FEM CSS Framework

FEM CSS Framework

About the Author:

Kristina discusses about the CSS and HTML frameworks available easily and their use, along with how they benefit and can be leveraged upon in the development process. A web design India Company can help you regarding the matter. kathy also likes to share information about the various web-design trends and tools and services, besides the benefits which it exhibits. You might be interested in my other blogs: zealousweb.hubpages.com/